

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:








  1. **设备选型**:我们精选了多款高性能手机屏蔽仪,这些设备不仅能够有效屏蔽所有常见手机频段信号,还具备智能调节功能,可根据实际环境灵活调整屏蔽范围,避免对周边区域的非必要干扰。

  2. **布局规划**:根据会议场地的布局与参会人员的分布情况,我们制定了详细的设备布局图,确保每台屏蔽仪都能发挥最大效用,实现无缝覆盖。

  3. **安装调试**:在会议前一周,我们的技术团队携带设备抵达现场,进行安装调试工作。通过多次测试与优化,最终确保屏蔽效果达到预期,同时不影响会议现场的无线麦克风、投影仪等设备的正常使用。

  4. **现场服务**:会议期间,我们安排专人驻场,负责监控设备运行状态并及时处理可能出现的突发情况,确保会议全程无忧。




  - **精准定位需求**:通过深入沟通,准确理解客户的核心需求,为定制化解决方案打下坚实基础。

  - **高效执行**:从设备选型到安装调试,每一步都严格按照既定计划执行,确保项目按时按质完成。

  - **优质服务**:无论是前期的咨询解答,还是会议期间的现场服务,我们都以客户需求为中心,提供全方位、个性化的服务体验。

  - **技术创新**:采用的手机屏蔽仪具备智能调节功能,既保证了屏蔽效果,又减少了对周边环境的干扰,体现了我们的技术创新实力。




  **English Version**:

  **Successful Case of Mobile Phone Signal Jammer Rental in Haikou, Hainan**

  In todays rapidly evolving digital era, information security and order maintenance have become indispensable elements for all types of events. Recently, Yuantong Leasing successfully provided mobile phone signal jammer rental services for an important conference in Haikou, Hainan, ensuring the smooth progress of the event and winning high praise from the client. This case serves as a vivid demonstration of our service quality.


  The client, a renowned enterprise in Haikou, planned to hold a high-level internal seminar to discuss industry trends and corporate development strategies. Concerned about potential information leaks via mobile phones, the organizer sought a professional and effective solution to shield mobile signals.

  **Needs Analysis**:

  Upon receiving the request, Yuantongs team promptly conducted on-site inspections and needs analysis. Considering the large venue, diverse participant demographics, and varying mobile phone models, we tailored a comprehensive jammer rental plan to ensure full coverage while minimizing unintended disruptions.


  1. **Equipment Selection**: We chose high-performance jammers capable of blocking all common mobile phone frequencies, featuring intelligent adjustment for tailored coverage.

  2. **Layout Planning**: Detailed maps were devised to optimize jammer placement, ensuring seamless coverage across the venue.

  3. **Installation & Testing**: Prior to the event, our technicians installed and tested the equipment, ensuring optimal performance.

  4. **Onsite Support**: Dedicated staff monitored the equipment during the conference, ready to address any issues promptly.

  **Client Feedback**:

  The client commended Yuantong for its prompt service, professionalism, and thorough onsite support. Participants


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